
My Words, Gods Word

Saturday the Sixth Week of Ordinary Time

Jas 3:1-10 Psalm 12:2-3, 4-5, 7-8 Mark 9:2-13

Two modes of thinking
There are two levels of thought, emotional thought and rational thought. Emotional thought is composed of the world of sensing, of feeling and emotions. Rational thought is composed of words, and allows us to think about more abstract things, such as time, truth, love etc. Words are the foundation of Rational thought. Without words we are unable to think.

How do we use our Words?
St. James goes on to challenge us about how we are using the gift of words in our life. If we have a trained mind, then we can have a trained body. Our words guide the mind either along a good path or a bad. We use our words to Bless God, and to Profane Him.

How does God use His Word?
Christ was sent to reveal the Fathers love to the world. In the Gospel today we hear the Father reveal His love for Jesus. St. Augustine described Jesus as the fullest expression of God’s Love – the Word made Flesh. Atop Mount Tabor Jesus speaks with Moses and Elijah about what He must do to demonstrate the Fathers love for us. It is by dying on the Cross and entering into death out of Love and obedience to His Father that Jesus opens for us the possibility of eternal communion with God. God uses His Word to express the depths of His Love.

How can we learn to listen to the Word of God?
God the Father challenges the Apostles today atop Tabor. He says to them, and to us – “This is my beloved Son – Listen to Him”. Why? Because when we listen to Jesus we experience the fullness of the Fathers love. He does this through the actions of His Son, the Word Made Flesh – become man. In listening to Christ we receive God’s love into our minds, and it is there that Christ is able to transform our lives. As St. James says – A ship can be steered by so small a rudder.

How can we learn to allow the Word of God to penetrate our Hearts?
God’s word is the Word of Forgiveness, Healing and Love. He can only be received when we are able to acknowledge our own weakness. If we do not acknowledge our sins, then we have no need for forgiveness. On one hand if we have no need for forgiveness, then our wounded-ness, our pain remains. If we are distracted by pain, it is more difficult for us to receive God’s love. On the other hand, if we are humble; we recognize our need for forgiveness. When we approach God asking for forgiveness, we experience His love, which cleanses us and heals us.

So today, let us approach the Sacrament of God’s Love in humility. Let us recognize our need for forgiveness, our thirst for God’s love so that when we receive the Word Made Flesh into our souls, we can truly “Listen to Him”. Because when we listen to Him, he shows us the fullness of the Fathers Love that heals all.

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